Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Men After My Own Heart - Found Footage Festival

So Laura says, "The Hammer Museum is showing clips from VHS tapes that people found in garbage cans, thrift stores, and flea markets."

Now if there was an event that ever called my name, it would involve VHS tapes, rooting through garbage cans and flea market bins, and a museum. And this did not disappoint.

Among the clips seen (In order from least to greatest):
  • Weird erotica stuff from the archives of JX Williams -- the president of his archive "discovered" him while searching for random shit on ebay
  • The ol' super ghey 1970's Smoky Mountain Wrestling intro for The Fabulous Ones
  • Very violent industrial videos for an insurance company. Think 'faces of death' done Allstate style
  • An 'After Dark' rated PG video of Young Guv Arnold Schwarzenneger doing a public service video encouraging us to visit Rio to watch asses shake
  • And. . . A video of my former coworker Donn Nauert giving away the tips to playing Contra as part of the U.S. National Videogame team

Yes, someone scavenged through unlimited numbers of industrial tapes, garage sale dime bins, and hours of PSAs, and one of my ol' comrades made the cut. It must have been his sateen jacket.

Does anyone know where Donn Nauert is these days? If so, let him so he is immortalized thanks to the modern day treasure hunters of the Found Footage Festival.

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