Sunday, May 20, 2007

April Highlights -- Now In Video! -- Coachella, Scooby Doo Olympics, London I, etc.

I got tired of trying to batch upload photos to Blogger, so I'm trying to do this in video instead. Let's see how this works.

Laziness, the mother of. . . quickie internet video?

Though of course, instead of going through the tedious task of uploading photos, 4 or 5 at a time through Picasa (30 min. task), here was my process:

1) Dig up Windows Movie Maker on my computer (10 min.)

2) Learn how to use Windows Movie Maker (15 min., including importing photos and the music file)

3) Make Title cards/captions in Photoshop (10 min.)

4) Edit movie in Movie Maker (15 min.)

5) Figure out the right format to save file (10 min.)

6) Sign up for video service at Blip. TV - thanks Geekentertainment.TV for the advice. (10 min.)

7) Post video (10 min.)

8) Edit post and redo my blogger template to accomodate the larger video window (15 min.)

TOTAL TIME: 1 hour, 35 minutes.

Still, it's a rare cloudy Sunday in L.A. and I've learned something. So yay.

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